Covid Safety at Le Boudoir Lingerie - Please wear a mask.
I’ve met a lot of varied opinions on mask wearing, and even a handful who question if Covid is real I keep quiet sometimes and listen to opinions and try to avoid answering if I don’t agree! I wear my mask, sanitise and clean and make sure my ladies have a pleasant experience.
This is my home I work in, so I’ll be continuing to wear a mask and will be asking my customers to also. Unless of course you’re exempt. I have my family to protect, also a high risk dad, step dad and a younger brother with a heart problem. Not to mention a lot of high risk customers or ladies with high risk family.
When you visit me please bring a mask, please use the hand sanitiser provided. I have had recently numerous requests for the bathroom. I obviously have a bathroom here but please use your own before you visit me for your 30 min appointment! I feel awful saying no but you have to walk upstairs through my house to visit my bathroom, I have to clean/sanitise after you too before my family then use it. This adds time to my already hectic day and puts my family at risk. Also you get to see a side of me I’d rather people don’t see… My messy bathroom! School has broken up for the holidays & my boys will be in the house so It’s not fair on them to have people in the main part of the house.
Also I’m sorry to say but Mr Boudoir is putting his foot down … no more prams or buggy’s in our house. There isn’t enough room to get them in through my narrow porch and my Boudoir room is not big enough. We have had paintwork scratched, chipped and marked and we have only just decorated and a new carpet put down. Children and babies are welcome with you on your fittings. A car seat or a bouncer is fine, or a blanket on the floor or one lady brings her baby play mat! Brilliant idea
I hope you all understand. I love my little business and I love working from home. I have no problem inviting you all into my home, into my Boudoir room. All of my ladies are so lovely I think you’ll understand my decisions.
Thank you as always for your support. I really do appreciate you all.
Sorry if this seemed like a negative moaning post it’s not honestly!
